Preparation for Your Escort Booking


If you are travelling or just got your day off from work, you must find it lonely to be on your own. So, finding a partner is the best choice. But that could be a daunting task. This is why reliable directories like Ivy Société have been established. You can find a beautiful escort for company or as a travelling partner.

Before booking an escort, you need to prepare. Therefore, you should read the following tips from experts before contacting an escort.

Do Your Research

Everyone has particular needs. Maybe you want a role reversal experience or a sweet girlfriend. Whatever the case, there is always someone out there who matches your expectations. There are an extensive plethora of choices for you. Therefore, it is essential to narrow down the search and make sure you get what you want.

Use Appropriate Etiquette

Even if the arrangement with an escort is entirely transactional, it is important to treat her or him in the right way. If you are even slightly disrespectful, they might not agree to offer their services. Respect the escort and keep in mind that they are professionals and are just doing their job.

If, for instance, you are in Australia and want a Brisbane escort, endeavour to be on your best behaviour. Don’t get too drunk when meeting your escort. Don’t ask invasive questions. And most importantly, respect them.


As hinted, this entire arrangement is transactional. So, you must have the agreed upon amount of cash with you when meeting the escort. It is best if you just make the payment at the beginning of the appointment. Otherwise, you might end up losing your escort and getting frustrated.

Be on Time

Punctuality is very essential in all areas of life; in school, at work, and even on your wedding day, you must be punctual. The same goes for a meeting with your escort. When you meet on time, you both have adequate time to talk and be comfortable around each other. If you are late, your escort might even refuse to offer their services, which, in this case, we are trying to avoid.

Discuss Interests

Different people have various interests. For a better experience, you must be willing to talk about what you want your escort to offer you. What do you like and not like? By letting the escort know what you need, she or he will be prepared to offer just that.

If your escort is not comfortable with what you are asking for, then do not force anything. If your escort does agree to extras, then be prepared to tip well.


Obviously, anyone would be turned down by a partner if they are rough and unkempt. This also goes for the escort you are about to meet. So, before the meeting, make sure you look nice. Trim your nails, take a good shower, comb your hair, and dress to impress. Then, your escort will have no reservations.

Final Say

Preparation for your escort booking is that easy. Just do your research, use appropriate etiquette, make the payment before the appointment, be punctual, discuss all your interests, and lastly, be hygienic.